19 - 21 MEI 2025

We are an enthusiastic team of students in Human Movements Sciences at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Our team consists of first, second and third year bachelor students, as well as two master students. This means that we are a diverse group with a broad range of ages, experiences and fields of interests. We consider this a major strength of our team and would like to implement all our different inputs in innovative ideas.

Our team is supervised by Matthias Kempe. Being an expert in the fields of sports science, informatics and psychology, he is currently working on data science in sports and exploring the secrets of success in team sports. We hope his experiences and expertise will be of guidance during the preparations and in the data-processing challenges we will face.

The past few weeks we have been very busy with the preparations for the battle. Having explored the first measurement device made us even more excited about the battle. We are looking forward to sharing experiences with the other teams.

See you in December!