19 - 21 MEI 2025

Jury prize

1 Year free-use of the MTw Awinda system by Xsens for the winning team!


The MTw Awinda is the second generation wireless inertial-magnetic motion tracker by Xsens. The MTw enables real-time 3D kinematic applications with multiple motion track- ers by providing highly accurate orientation through an unobtru- sive setup. This whitepaper presents the basic working principles and architecture of the Xsens MTw Awinda system. Furthermore, the system performance is assessed and key outcomes of two real- life experiments using the Xsens MTw Awinda system are given. In the first experiment the performance during arm movements related to sports and gaming is evaluated, while the second experiment focuses on data acquired during walking and running, including exposure to magnetic distortions for extended periods of time. The results show that MTw Awinda is a flexible, easy- to-use, and reliable tool for capturing human motion in a large variety of applications, even in challenging environments.


Audience prize

Data logger, the multiple sensor wearable device by Lode! (to keep… 😉 )

Lode datalogger

The Lode Research Data Logger allows for a multitude of datalogging options. The 4Gb data storage can be allocated to various data streams that can be set within the special included application. Datastreams can be set up to max 1000 Hz for ECG and other relevant high frequencies for the other sensors:

2-lead ECG
XYZ acceleration up to 4g
Magnetoscope data
Gyroscope data
Environmental light conditions
User action event logging

The device is IP 68 waterproof when used with a cover cap.
Application areas are numerous. One can think of various sports logging applications, e.g in extreme (wet) circumstances, movement analysis etc.
The software allows for data upload in .csv format to your PC.